An error occurred while closing the file. Close the file anyway, or cancel? The selected document could not be opened (it may be in use). Would you like to continue trying to open the document? [^0] ^1 Voice annotation requires a microphone but one cannot be found. The preselected file is of the wrong type. A document already exists with that name and is currently in use. An error occurred while saving this form and the form was reverted. The disk is too full to save the changes to this form, so the form was reverted. The selected document was created with an earlier version of Informed Designer™. This document cannot be converted because it is locked. An error has caused an operation to fail. Couldn’t open the document. The document may be locked or you may not have the proper privileges. The document is unavailable or has been unmounted. An error occurred while attempting to access the document. The selected document is locked or resides on a locked disk. Informed Manager™ cannot open a locked document. The selected document is locked. The disk you are saving to is locked. The disk you are saving to is full. An operation has failed because you are low on memory. A locked document with that name exists and cannot be overritten. Save again with a different name. The selected document is already open and is currently in use.